A Tomb Raider Fansite featuring unofficial fanfiction and voiceacting
* * * A Tomb Raider conversation with J. R. Milward – Part 1* * *
Synn Fusion recently invited me onto his podcast to discuss all things Tomb Raider, Lara Croft, and my writings.
Check out Part 1 now!
* * * Polish translation of Untameable * * *
A Polish translation of my one-shot short story Untameable is now available!
Translation courtesy of Ewa Gendek, Magda “Nasty” Bilińska, and Justyna Maciaszek.
The incredible fans over at World of Tomb Raider have completed their translation of Tomb Raider: Path of the Black Alchemist into Polish.
Check it out!
* * * FAN SPOTLIGHT – Official Tomb Raider feature * * *
The official Tomb Raider community team interviewed me for their Fan Spotlight article series. Check it out!
* * * POLISH DUB UNITY PL – Path of the Black Alchemist audio dramatisation! * * *
Not satisfied with simply translating PotBA into Polish, a group of dedicated fans has announced that they will embark on
adapting Tomb Raider: Path of the Black Alchemist into their own, fully dubbed, unofficial audiobook/radio-style dramatisation!
This extraordinary project comes with Jenni Milward's full blessing (though like the novels it is completely unofficial, non-profit,
and not sanctioned by the IP owners).
Head on over to Dub Unity PL's social media accounts for more details and to show them some love!
* * * WREXHAM UNIVERSITY – From Pixels to Prose * * *
Watch my presentation – From Pixels to Prose: Adapting Videogame Narratives to Novels – filmed by Tomb of Ash
at Wrexham University in December 2023.
Subscribe and follow my social media for more updates!

Jenni Milward is a long-standing and active member of the Tomb Raider fan community. She is known for her fanfiction, including the widely acclaimed, unofficial novelisation of Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness and its full-length audiobook adaptation. Since 2006, she has also provided voiceovers for dozens of fan-made animations, custom levels, trailers, and more. Between 2016 and 2019, Jenni was a blogger, editor, and podcast producer with the fansite Survivor Reborn, and was a Square Enix Ambassador to GamesCom 2018. Jenni participated in the multi-award-winning Tomb Raider: The Dark Angel Symphony Kickstarter project. She was also part of the team that built and maintains Murti Schofield's official website, and is a member of the Official Fansite Program.
Sideways from all things Tomb Raider, Jenni also holds a BSc Open (Hons) from the Open University, is an accredited proofreader with the PTC, and is an Associate Member of the Royal Society of Biology. Jenni is registered disabled with multiple health conditions, including Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and has done voluntary work for a number of local charities. She loves cats, creativity, and nature, and hates being restricted to decaff coffee.
I cannot thank everyone enough for helping me put this website and its contents together. I'm especially grateful to Lara Titova, not least for her impeccable graphic-designs skills. Special thanks are also due to Chris Carpineti, Tina Ljubenkov (Terenete), Dean Kopri, Inna Vjuzhanina, Anastasia Ershova, Adamm Khuevrr, and Murti Schofield. None of this madness could have happened without you. Thanks also to my family and Matt, for always believing in me.
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Lara Croft and Tomb Raider are the property of Embracer Group AB, CDE Entertainment, and Crystal Dynamics (formally Core Design, Eidos Interactive, and Square Enix). No copyright infringement is intended with these works, as they are all non-sanctioned, unofficial, and entirely non-profit works of the author's own.
All works listed on this site are Copyright (c) [respective years] J. R. Milward. No permission is given to reproduce her written, visual, or audio media elsewhere.
J. R. Milward refuses permission to allow her works to be used in the training, development, or refinement of AI software at any time and for any reason.