Welcome to the Appendices - J. R. Milward

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Welcome to the Appendices

Welcome to the Appendices! These additional resources are designed to accompany my novelised trilogy of Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness.

More material will be added in the following weeks and months, so keep checking back and be sure to subscribe to my social media accounts to keep up to date on new releases!

* * * SPOILER ALERT! * * *

The Appendices can be read in any order. However, they are by necessity full of spoilers. You have been warned...

The Strahov Archives
The Bloodline Chamber
Copyright (c) 2025  J. R. Milward.  Tomb Raider © Crystal Dynamics group of companies. TOMB RAIDER, LARA CROFT, and CRYSTAL DYNAMICS are trademarks of the Crystal Dynamics group of companies. No copyright infringement is intended with these works, as they are all non-sanctioned, unofficial, and entirely non-profit works of the author's own.

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